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What is G20 and who are the members of G20?

What is G20?

The Group of Twenty (G20) serves as the primary forum for international economic cooperation, playing a key role in shaping and enhancing global structures and governance related to major international economic issues. 

India assumed the Presidency of the G20 from December 1, 2022, to November 30, 2023. During its presidency, India actively participated in discussions and initiatives aimed at addressing global economic challenges and fostering cooperation among member nations.

What is G20 and who are the members of G20

Who are the members of G20?

Argentina Australia
Brazil Canada
China France
Germany India
Indonesia Italy
Japan Mexico
Republic of Korea Russia
Saudi Arabia South Africa
Türkiye United Kingdom
United States of America European Union
African Union

How G20 Works?

The G20 Presidency holds the responsibility of steering the G20 agenda for a one-year term and hosts the Summit. The G20 operates through two parallel tracks: the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track. 

The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors lead the Finance Track, while Sherpas, who are personal emissaries of the Leaders, lead the Sherpa Track following the Finance Track.

The G20 process from the Sherpa side involves coordination by the Sherpas of member countries. These Sherpas serve as personal representatives of the Leaders. The Finance Track is led by Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the member countries. 

Both tracks include thematically oriented working groups where representatives from relevant ministries of member countries, invited/guest countries, and various international organizations participate. These working groups meet regularly throughout the Presidency's term.

The Ministry of Finance primarily leads the Finance Track. Sherpas oversee negotiations throughout the year, discussing agenda items for the Summit and coordinating the substantive work of the G20. 

Additionally, there are Engagement Groups that bring together civil societies, parliamentarians, think tanks, women, youth, labor, businesses, and researchers from G20 countries.

The G20 does not have a permanent secretariat. The Presidency is supported by the Troika, consisting of the previous, current, and incoming Presidency. 

During India's Presidency, the Troika included Indonesia, India, and Brazil, respectively. During the Brazilian Presidency, the Troika will comprise India, Brazil, and South Africa.

Source: G20 India Website

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